Hello Glastonbury!

Field and gate

Carr House Meadows, Keith Parkin

Glastonbury 2024

Hey there Glastonbury!

We are so excited to be invited to attend Glastonbury Festival AGAIN as The Wildlife Trusts. It's fantastic to meet everyone on our LovePEAT! stall.

Here's some info about the stall and find out more about The Wildlife Trusts, peatlands and working with communities!

What can you do here?

  • Learn about peatlands, have fun with our peat games, join in with some free activities and try on our outfits and share your photos online #Glastonbury #LovePEAT @WildlifeTrusts. 
  • Chat, Chat, Chat! Tell us about any amazing projects or activity that you know about or are involved in your community. Tell us what you love about your local area, and why nature matters to you
  • Take a tattoo transfer of a common lizard or white face darter dragonfly - just 2 of the incredible creatures that rely on peatlands - for your skin or ask for one as a gift for mates. There are also printed options also for fabric like bags or t-shirts using vegetable dye.

  • Try on our poncho! Our special Emperor Moth wings are also available to wear or try on for photos - we want to see you on Insta! Tag us in using #Glastonbury #LovePEAT @WildlifeTrusts

  • Take a 'seat on peat'! Our comfy log seat and giant sundew beanbags designed for you to sink into and chill

  • Be part of the Glasto 'Wildlife WOW!' Bonanza! Tell everyone about the wildlife you've seen so far at Glastonbury Festival!


We'd love to stay in touch! Sign up to hear more from The Wildlife Trusts

Why peat? About our stall

We are focusing on peatlands at Glastonbury because there are vulnerable peatland habitats very close to Worthy Farm The Somerset Levels are beautiful and the digging up of peat to use in compost is a major issue here. Somerset Wildlife Trust is working hard to make sure the digging up of peat is stopped now!

We can't wait for promised bans on peat-based composts to come in. We want everyone to know where they can buy peat-free products and is ready to use peat-free compost. Sadly, a lot of the peat used in the UK comes from abroad – Europe and Ireland – meaning peat use is also affecting nature elsewhere.

We have deliberately created a welcoming space in Woodsies that awakens the senses while cooling and calming us down. Just like nature itself.  Our 'peatland' is also vibrant and fascinating and a bit squelchy, with planters of real sphagnum mosses that can be touched and smelled, which have been kindly donated by Beadamoss.  Our walls allow air flow but keep us cool - check out the fenland, upland and lowland peatlands, including the incredible fenland under the Glastonbury Tor itself. 

We’re very close to the stage area in Woodsies, so some of the very special peaty things we would usually be able to include like the smell, the incredible sounds, and that sense of dampness won’t be available inside (just at the festival ☺️). You can still experience a peatland tour and soundscape through QR codes. 

Meet the Peat Poncho

Peat 'ponchos' were commissioned by The Wildlife Trusts as part of our Precious Peatlands campaign. They were created and handmade by Hollywood costume designer Emma Brackenbury, with extra volunteer hours donated by craftivist community ‘Fabric of Protest’ based in Manchester. 

These unique ponchos took 45 days to make. They both started with layered rescue sheep's wool, with handmade felt, paint, beautiful embroidery plus some specially crafted creatures and flora usually only found on our waterlogged wonderlands.