This position on climate change reflects the views of all 46 Wildlife Trusts and the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.
- Climate change is one of the greatest threats to nature in the UK and globally. The Wildlife Trusts are including action on climate change in our evidence-led approach to nature’s recovery.
- As a movement, we will strive to be front and centre of the climate change and nature debate to encourage the UK Government, devolved administrations and others to act faster, be more ambitious, and take a fair role in mitigating and adapting to climate change at the same time as supporting nature’s recovery.
- To have a credible voice on climate change, our own house must be in order. The Wildlife Trusts will work together towards a goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and put in place robust adaptation measures across all of our work.
- The Wildlife Trusts will produce research and take part in wider studies to improve our understanding of the role of nature in mitigating and adapting to climate change.
- The Wildlife Trusts’ particular strength is around the role that nature-based solutions can play in both mitigating and adapting to climate change, alongside delivering multiple and fair benefits for nature and people. We will lead the right messaging and demonstrate the robust use of nature-based solutions at scale.
- The Wildlife Trusts will play a leading role in driving the necessary shift in the public, political and business narrative on addressing climate change beyond just technological solutions, to understand the need for a mass scale-up in nature-based solutions today in order to manage climate change long-term. We can call this thinking ‘carbon negative, nature positive’.
- While advocating for a mass scale-up in nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation, The Wildlife Trusts will ensure they are not being used as an excuse to not reduce emissions at scale.
- The Wildlife Trusts will work within an agreed and supportive framework on our offering of nature-based solutions that promotes confidence and trust that both we as the seller and the purchaser act with integrity. We will show consistency in our actions, our offers and our language, so that these deliver genuinely additional benefits for climate and nature.
- We will demonstrate what is possible; and inspire, empower and enable people to take positive action for nature and climate.