The Charles Rothschild and Miriam Rothschild Medal
Scotland MPA
The Rothschild Reserves 100 years on - Stephen Moss
Writer and broadcaster Stephen Moss looks at the lasting contribution of Charles Rothschild and his list of wildlife sites 'worthy of preservation'.
Our history
Wilder Kent Safari: History and Wildlife of Oare Marshes
Explore Oare Marshes with its Warden and learn about its wildlife and fascinating local history.
My history lesson
Lancashire Wildlife Trust is working with Moorfield Primary school in Irlam to deliver both indoor and outdoor education on the mossland habitat. This includes the history of the area, and the…
Talk: Highlands and Islands of Scotland
Scunthorpe and Brigg Area Group are joined for a talk by Geoff Trinder looking at the wildlife found in Scotland including plants, mammals and birds. All welcome!
My family history
Whilst researching his family history, Vic found that many of his ancestors were connected to wild places as gamekeepers, shepherds, millers, gardeners or agricultural labourers. His lifelong love…
My history book
Tim has volunteered at Astley Moss for five years, helping to increase the water levels on the bogs back to their historic healthy levels. He especially loves watching the birds return to this…
Broad welcome to Scotland's first ever national marine plan
The Scottish Government has today formally adopted Scotland’s first ever National Marine Plan, which sets a single planning framework for all activities in Scottish seas
Talk: The History and Wildlife of the Fens
Discover the history and wildlife of the Fens with this talk by Geof Lee.