
Terry Whittaker/2020VISION


Peat © Mark Hamblin 2020VISION

The Good, The Bad and The Hopeful

It’s that time of the year again when as campaigners we allow ourselves to stop, breathe and get a little reflective. My take on it? Well, I think 2023 can be summed up as: complex!

Maerl, a hidden and precious habitat

Maerl, a hidden and precious habitat

Diving over a maerl bed is best described as like flying over a shagpile carpet made up of purple twiglets! It is an incredible sight. A huge diversity of fascinating marine creatures live in and…

hare in field, farming

What is regenerative farming?

Ever wondered what regenerative farming is and how it compares to other farming approaches? Vicki Hird, The Wildlife Trusts’ new strategic lead on agriculture, looks at this farming buzzword and…

Rishi Sunak has abandoned the environment

Liz Truss was vilified for her government’s attack on nature and now Rishi Sunak is abandoning the environment. Surely, securing the future of our natural world should be the focus of consensus?…
