Beavers in Wales, what do YOU think?

Beavers in Wales, what do YOU think?

River © Alicia Leow-Dyke

Alicia Leow-Dyke is the Welsh beaver project officer, based at North Wales Wildlife Trust. Here she shares information about a consultation going on that asks residents in Wales to share their opinions on beavers living wild in Wales.

You've probably heard a lot of people talking about beavers over the last few years, in the news and on social media. These water-loving mammals once lived all over Britain, until they were hunted to extinction around 500 years ago. But beavers are now back in British rivers! They have recently been reintroduced to both Scotland and England. The Welsh Beaver Project, led by North Wales Wildlife Trust, is seeking to bring them back to Wales, too.

It's important that the people of Wales are given the chance to have their say about the return of beavers. The University of Exeter is undertaking an independent public survey to explore the views held by residents in Wales about beavers living in the wild. This will help reveal the attitudes to the return of beavers to Wales, how respondents feel about beaver management techniques, and how attitudes may differ between different groups of people.

All residents in Wales are invited to take part, so it's the perfect chance to have your say. By completing the short survey, you will contribute towards a better understanding of how the public perceives beavers in Wales. In turn, this will help inform future decisions about whether and how to proceed.

The survey results will be presented in a summary report, which will be shared with North Wales Wildlife Trust. This report will become publicly available later in 2023, and participants will have the opportunity to opt in to receive a copy.

The survey takes about 10-15 to complete, and can be completed in either English or Welsh. You have until Thursday 13th April to have your say!

A river forking to the left and right, with one bank covered in trees

River © Alicia Leow-Dyke

Take part in Welsh

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A wide, tree-lined river

River © Alicia Leow-Dyke

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